Blog | Healing Roots K-8 Online School Program

Is Virtual School the Best Choice For Your Child?

Written by Healing Roots Online School | Sep 30, 2021

If you are parenting a child in today’s world, you have likely spent some time researching their education options. Between the pandemic, learning disruptions relating to changing school policies, and dissatisfaction with the quality of education in traditional schools, many families are seeking alternatives such as online schools.

While virtual education may not be the best fit for every family, it has some major advantages that some students benefit from. Here are seven reasons why you may want to send your child to a virtual school.

7 Reasons to Choose Virtual School


1. Learning Can Be More Personalized

Virtual schools allow students to work at their own pace and often pursue their own passions to an extent. With a more flexible school day, students can spend more time on subjects they are interested in or need extra help with.
Virtual education also allows families to choose their learning locations and schedules, making it easy for kids to pursue intensive extracurricular activities, travel, or try unique field trips and projects.

2. Students Gain Independence

It’s no secret that learning from home requires independence. While self-regulated learning can be a challenge for some personalities, many students thrive when they can choose their own schedules. Best of all, these students will learn self-management skills that will help them wherever the future takes them.
In a virtual school, students have more freedom to work at their own pace, spend as much or as little time as they need on assignments, and take breaks when needed. For students with an independent mindset, virtual learning is often the best choice.

3. Students May Be Less Distracted

Some children find the traditional school environment to be extremely distracting. They may find it difficult to prioritize school over talking to their peers, or they may struggle to learn when their peers are noisy.
In an online school, distractions are largely limited to those in the child’s home workspace. Many kids find it’s easier to focus from their bedroom desk or the kitchen table, depending on what’s going on in the rest of the house. Students can get their work done faster and have more time for a good night’s sleep.

4. Parents Can Be More Involved

When students learn from home, parents can be more involved in their education. Many virtual school parents appreciate the extra time they have to connect with their children. Virtual parents may have a better understanding of what their child is learning, their child’s strengths and weaknesses, and how their teachers teach.
While the virtual teacher will still be the primary person educating students, parents can directly oversee their child’s education and maybe even help with school activities. If you want to be closely involved in your child’s education, a virtual school is likely a better choice for your family than a traditional, in-person school.

5. Students Can Avoid Negative Social Pressures

While many families worry their kids won’t get to socialize as much if they pursue virtual education, this isn’t always the case. Many virtual schools intentionally create times when students can meet online for daily check-ins, study hall, group projects, and virtual extracurricular activities. For some students, the main social difference is that it’s easier to avoid trouble with peers.
Online school students don't have to deal with most of the unpleasant social pressures of a traditional school. They are less likely to experience bullying, which may make them more likely to thrive in some cases. They are also unlikely to completely lose out on learning due to social and peer issues. Some students also appreciate a respite from having to look a certain way or meet social expectations.

6. Families Have More Flexibility

Many families struggle with the rigid schedule of traditional schools. Students may not be able to pursue activities that conflict with these schedules or regularly see family members who have responsibilities outside the house later in the day. Once you factor in commuting, in-person school becomes even less flexible.
Virtual schools provide a solution: flexible scheduling that allows students to learn at the best times for themselves and their families. With online education, students are free to travel or enjoy just about any activities they choose.

7. Virtual School Is More Consistent During a Pandemic

COVID-19 not going away. Many families are concerned not only with family members’ health, but also with all the disruptions that have accompanied changing school policies. At some schools, children have had to repeatedly switch between in-person and virtual learning whenever the risk of spreading the virus increased or government policy recommendations changed.
With a virtual school, you don’t have to worry about these kinds of disruptions. The school will stay virtual no matter what, and the curriculum was developed with online learning in mind.

Is Virtual School Right For Your Child?

If you want to raise an independent child, be more involved in your child’s school day, give your child a more personalized education, or avoid certain negative experiences that come with traditional schools, a virtual education could be a great fit for your family.
Healing Roots Online School provides K-8 students with a personalized online education emphasizing the environment and agriculture. If you are interested in learning more about our virtual school, reach out to us today.